Missions and objectives of APDI


We seek to promote Pan-Africanism in two dimensional ways; one through article writing which tackles the core issues and philosophical topics surrounding Pan-Africanism such as factors which have militated against the development of Africa over the years. The second way is through activities like seminars and projects. The projects are of two kinds.

Social-oriented projects and business development projects. The latter serves three ends (1) to internally fund the association so as to render it financially sound and independent to be able to efficiently carry out its numerous objectives (2) to expand small scale business by injecting necessary capital and other resources through partnerships (3) to exploit and maximize human resources in terms of both technical and commercial skills for the creation and expansion of businesses. The social oriented projects are charitable projects for improvement of the livelihood of the African societies. In terms of planning, the projects are classified into long-term and short-term projects executable on the resources available.
To see towards the success of the project, a project management team has been created under the association.

Within the project management team, is a portfolio structure wherein the members of the association are regrouped based on their competence and educational orientation.   

2.Objective and goal.

a) Promote Pan-Africanism through article writing, seminars, programs, projects to outlive the concepts and also promoting multilingualism among Africans.

b) Contribute towards the effort to promote cross-border commercial transactions and other related areas in Africa.

c) Undertake research into matters on regional integration.