Agence panafricaine pour le développement et l’intégration (APDI)
Uniting diverse Africans for sustainable development through pan-Africanism and regional integration since 2021.
APDI shares the common believe that regional integration in Africa is the one of the most efficient way to eradicate the poverty misery which dominates the affair of the continent.
In fact, the concept of regional integration in itself is not new or foreign to Africans.
Rather, its practical implementation is what has proved to be a tussle for the leaders of the Africa since the inauguration in 25th May, 1968 ushering the formation of the Organization of African unity (OAU).
Despite the challenges on the part of our Leaders in making the concept of regional integration a reality and of which same has drained the interests of most Africans therein, our association believes that the concept must not be abandoned. We seeks to join the common effort to make the concept of regional integration a reality, however with a different approach.
Who Are We?
Empowering African Unity
Promoting development through pan-Africanism and regional integration for a prosperous continent.
Promoting Multilingualism Among Africans
Although, it is estimated that over 2000 languages are spoken in Africa, much effort is not required, as compared to other continents, in the facilitation of multilingualism because of our colonial background which has given birth to three or four dominant official languages in the continent.

Build a Strong Business Network for Africa
Our association believes in the practical manifestation of Pan Africanism to the people of Africa. The steps taken towards the practical manifestation of Pan africanism to the indigenes is in two folds. One aims at the correction of the mindsets of africans especially the younger generation on the valeurs of Pan-Africanism
Promoting Panafricanism
By actively engaging with like-minded businesses and industry leaders, we aim to create a powerful network that will enable us to seize new opportunities, share valuable insights, and collaborate on mutually beneficial projects.
As an association passionate for regional integration, we seek to undertake research into the concept and the legal framework of regional integration, its shortfalls, its necessity and also undertake a comparative studies of intergovernmental organisation.
Undertake Researches Into Regional Integration
Our latest news
Pan-African Unity
Showcasing projects promoting development, integration, and regional collaboration.

Get in Touch
Connect with us to learn more about our mission and projects aimed at fostering pan-Africanism and regional integration for development.
+233 20 588 1217