
As a Pan-African association, we seek to promote and live up to the concept of Pan-Africanism through our activities and projects. Our association believes in the practical manifestation of Pan-Africanism to the people of Africa, a concept that is gradually being washed away by the leaders of the continent. The steps taken towards the practical manifestation of Pan-Africanism to Africans, is in two folds. One aims at the correction of the mindsets of Africans especially the emerging generation on the concepts of Pan-Africanism while the second aims as using the Association as a conduit or agent for the progressive development of the continent through short-term and long-term projects based on the revenue and resources of the Association. 

It is widely shared and notably by Pierre-Noël Giraud in his book “La Mondialisation émergences et fragmentation’’ (page 20); wherein he emphasised ‘’all important political economic changes are always preceded by the victory won in the intellectual field of those that promote it’’. How? Through academic and philosophical writings. He goes on to cite an example of the intellect victory won by David Ricardo, whose victory led to the promotion of free trade in Europe, notoriously influencing the British government to abolish its law which protect its agriculture ‘’the corn laws’’, then later leading to (Chevalier-Cobden treaty) signed by the Second French Empire with Great British in 1860 for the promotion of free-trade between the two former rival nations. This victory recounted here was ushered in by a book publication by Ricardo titled “The Principles of political economy and taxation’’ in 1817.


 But that is not the only example we can probably think of. Humanist thinking and secular way of life were ushered into this world through the influential writings of the sophists; the Socrates and Plato and the others, socialism and communism was introduced to the world by the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the battle against the eradication of discrimination towards women in the form of universal suffrage and more, currently the introduction of freedom of women and empowerment was won notably through reformist philosophical writings by Simone de Beauvoir, author of the popular book ‘’second sex’’, Elisabeth Cady Stanton and the likes. Management theories which are employed nowadays in both governance and private sectors like creation of working departments and organisation hierarchy and structures, the concepts of bureaucracy, the concepts of