Agence panafricaine pour le développement et l’intégration (APDI)
Pan-Africanism, What it ought to be; a living concept
Written by: Lord Fiifi Sampson
1/29/20242 min read
Truth be told, today’s convention has compelled many indigenous Africans not to be bothered to find out what Pan- Africanism stands for. As far as they are concerned, it is a dead concept with its name now being legendary or simply an archaic term, exploited by the business sector as well as the entertainment and tourism industries on the continent. Rarely would one come across the word ‘Pan-Africanism’ without it being associated with an event program like when Ghana hosted the black diasporas under the tutelage of “The Year of Return” set up by the government in 2019 or an entertainment program, or in a history book or someone’s t-shirt business sales or for other commercial purposes. But that is not what it is supposed to be or what the legends behind “Pan-Africanism’’ had in mind for it. What then did the early militants have in mind by Pan-Africanism?
Though for many of the indigenous people of Africa, the concept of Pan-African is dead and unknown especially among those born in the first half of the 21st Century, the constant liaised of Pan-African with the tourism industries, has seemed to raise the curiosity of the diaspora who are now seeking to trace their root back to their native lands. To them Pan-Africanism is not about history nor entertainment. It is about understanding its concept. Unfortunately, as more and more travelled back to their father and motherland, what they are told about Pan-Africanism is History, entertainment and commerce. In the long run, they return to their lands either with a wrong impression on Pan-Africanism or with souls void of answers to what Pan-Africanism is about.
What they, the diasporas do not know is that Pan-Africanism is a living concept.
Pan-Africanism” is something that speaks for itself. It is not a dogmatic but a pragmatic concept. It is when the concept is put into practice that people understand its value and meaning without even bothering themselves to ask for further meaning. The word “Pan-Africanism” can be reconciled with those names which are known by its exhibition like wisdom, King, Lord etc. For instance, one speaks wisdom, but one does not teach wisdom, one gains wisdom, but one does not learn wisdom, one exhibits kingship or Lordship, but one does not conceal kingship or Lordship so similarly, Pan-Africanism is not to be stretched in words but in action.
Contrary to what it is supposed to be, African natives are yet to bear witness of the essence to even let the diasporas appreciate what Pan-Africanism entails in the present time as there is no sign of the concept being put into action by the present leaders including heads of regional bodies as well as influential people and even citizens of the African continent. The imagination or the thought that would always pop up in the mind of people about Pan-Africanism would of course be those early days’ quest for independence. By those people I mean the Nkrumahs and the likes who in those days gave meaning to Pan-Africanism without the need of teaching the indigenes, who as compared to the indigenes of Africa today were more illiterate
Written by: Lord Fiifi Sampson
The African Union, legal and Institutional framework: a manual on the Pan-African organisation, 2012: Chapter 1 Brief Historical Overview of Steps to African Unity.