L'Afrique n'est pas pauvre pour rien (Africa is not Poor for Nothing)
2024-05-16 12:10 Africa is a poor continent but is there any reason ascribing to our state of poverty or that is what is meant to be? “Africa is poor for nothing” may be seen to be denigratory. But that is, however, not the essence, I seek to drag here in this article. For some time, there has been growing interest among the disaporas and likewise among the incoming generation to see to the development of the cont...
It is Pan-Africanism now or perish as a nation and a continent
2024-03-04 07:59 We are gradually dying as a nation and reverting the lands of our continent to its original state, terra nullius dominated by tyrants and individualism likened to a pictorial exhibition of the architectural buildings and settlement of villages in Africa, the huts and the hedges.
what then is Pan-Africanism?
2024-02-04 08:13 What then is Pan-Africanism? Pan-Africanism, as the name suggests, denotes a concept of unity among Africans using the word “Pan” to qualify Africa. This simple explanation, however, may not be sufficient to give a concrete understanding of the Pan-African ideology.
The spelling doom of Self-centeredness casted on Pan-Africanism
2024-02-04 08:08 As self-centered as many Africans are becoming especially in this era of “self-promotion where everyone wants his fellow to know he or she is someone’’ unbeknownst to us, we are gradually wearing down the cohesive force of unity, which is bonded by the aspiration for total independence, that defines our unity as a nation and as a continent.
Pan-Africanism, What it ought to be; a living concept
2024-01-29 19:17 Truth be told, today’s convention has compelled many indigenous Africans not to be bothered to find out what Pan- Africanism stands for. As far as they are concerned, it is a dead concept with its name now being legendary or simply an archaic term, exploited by the business sector as well as the entertainment and tourism industries on the continent.
The Impression formed-on-Pan-africanism
2024-01-20 11:21 Pan-Africanism is a doctrine or ideology which seeks for the unification of Africans towards political and economic liberation. Nonetheless, the impression formed on the concept of Pan-Africanism has over the years been derived from the socio-economic, cultural and political events surrounding the continent. In the late 19th Century, the term Pan-Africanism connoted a movement of African slaves i...